alphaa/Aa A
betab/Bb B
gammag/Gg G
deltad/Dd D
epsilone/Ee E
digammav/Vv V
zetaz/Zz Z
etah/Hh H
thetaq/Qq Q
iotai/Ii I
kappak/Kk K
lambdal/Ll L
mum/Mm M
nun/Nn N
xic/Cc C
omicrono/Oo O
pip/Pp P
rhor/Rr R
sigmas/Ss S
final sigjj
taut/Tt T
upsilonu/Uu U
phif/Ff F
chix/Xx X
psiy/Yy Y
omegaw/Ww W
accute accent/a/
grave accent\i\
smooth breathing)a)
rough breathing(o(
iota subscript|w|
diarresis+ i+
lower case: vowel + macron + breathing + accent + diaeresis + iota subscript
upper case: breathing + accent + vowel
note: spionic allows many other shortcuts, but only the above are used
on this site because they conform to the textkit standards (though I added the macron).
For the testing tools to work for you, you must conform to this order.