
Tools I Have Written

The tools I am writing are works in progress, and they are for entertainment purposes only. Use them at your own risk. If you do find any errors, please let me know.

Tools for Conjugating Regular Verbs

Coniugatio Prima - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the first conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Secunda - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the second conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Tertia - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the third conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Tertia (-io) - A series of tools I wrote for practicing the i-stem verbs of the third conjuagtion.

Coniugatio Quarta - You guessed it -- tools I wrote for practicing the fourth conjuagtion.

Random - Test yourself with a random conjugation, tense and mood.

Tools for Conjugating Irregular Verbs

sum, esse, fui, futurum - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to be".

possum, posse, potui - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to be able".

fio, fieri, factus sum - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to become".

eo, ire, ii, itum - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to go".

fero, ferre, tuli, latum - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to carry".

volo, velle, volui - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to wish".

nolo, nolle, nolui - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to be unwilling".

molo, malle, malui - A tool for practicing conjugation of the irregular verb "to prefer".

Tools for Declining Nouns

Declinatio Prima - A simplistic tool for practicing nouns of the first declension.

Declinatio Secunda - The same tool as above, but written for nouns of the second declension. The tool contains -us, -er and neuter (-um) nouns.

Declinatio Tertia - The 3rd declension tool This tool includes all genders as well as both consonant and i-stem nouns. It does not include "mixed stem" nouns which came about later and are generally not found in classical latin.

Declinatio Quarta - A tool for all nouns (regardless of gender) of the fourth declension.

Declinatio Quinta - Ah, the fifth declension, an old friend. Here is its tool.

Pronouns - Tools for Latin pronouns.

Tools for Learning Vocabulary

Nouns - Learn some nouns (all declensions)

Verbs - Learn some verbs (all conjugations)

All Others - Includes adjectives, prepositions, etc.

Basic Vocabulary - Dr. Diedrich's 1400+ latin vocabulary words that should provide 85% of all words in a given latin text.

Latin Texts on this Site

Fabulae Faciles - Text from Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader.

New Latin Grammar - Bennett's New Latin Grammar, formatted for the web.

Latin Links (Sites I did NOT write)

Textkit - Extensive learning tools and an online discussion forum for those learing Latin (and Greek). Lots of online texts in Latin.

Latin Teaching Material at SLU - This site is a little awkward to navigate, but there are some good teaching materials here. A lot of the material is based upon Wheelock's 6th.

Latin Language Resources - Lots of basic Latin stuff and some interesting tidbits not readily found elsewhere.

Forbidden Latin - Plenty of bad words for all of your Latin graffiti needs.

Study Guide - A study guide for Wheelock's Latin

Latin for Mountain Men - Some short and entertaining (but legitimate) lessons in Latin.

Latin Drills - A series of drills designed around the Oxford Latin Course.

Latin the Easy Way - A non-conventional approach to learning Latin. Worth a look.

Course Syllabus - A course syllabus for a course based upon Wheelock's. Worthwile because there are some online drills the professor wrote, and these are pretty good.

Exercises - Exercises for Wheelock's Latin. These are pretty good.

Original Latin

G'Oogle - My list of some of the classical pdf books available from Google Books.

Hercules - Hercules et Suum Laborem de fabulis deorum Graecorum. (Beginner stuff, with English translation).

Medieval Latin - An online textbook with various passages in Latin from medieval times. (Not really my favorite period for Latin, but still pretty good)

Vulgate - in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.

De bello Gallico - Learn from C. Iulius Caesar himself exactly into how many parts Gaul as a whole is divided.

Oratio In Catilinam Prima - That Catiline was a real SOB. Hear it in the words of the master (M. Tullius Cicero) himself.

The Latin Library - An endless collection of latin texts, including a large section on Cicero. Fortunately, there are no English translations.

Random Latin Quotation

Quos amor verus tenuit, tenebit.

Those whom true love has held, it will go on holding.


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