Coniugatio Secunda

The Second Conjugation Tool: Second Person Plural(you)

Fill in the blanks in the usual manner. Click on the check button -- correct answers will be greyed out. If you prefer a more passive form of learning, skip to the hints below.

Active Voice

Second Person Plural(you)

monere - advise
Present Indicative
Imperfect Indicative
Future Indicative
Perfect Indicative
Pluperfect Indicative
Fututre Perfect Indicative
Present Subjunctive
Imperfect Subjunctive
Perfect Subjunctive
Pluperfect Subjunctive

Passive Voice

Second Person Plural(you)

monere - advise
Present Indicative
Imperfect Indicative
Future Indicative
Perfect Indicative
Pluperfect Indicative
Fututre Perfect Indicative
Present Subjunctive
Imperfect Subjunctive
Perfect Subjunctive
Pluperfect Subjunctive

Second Conjugation Tools

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly


Mouse over for hints. IE users will have to double-click at the words to see them (due to deficiencies in IE). Probably you should consider getting a modern browser such as firefox.

monere - advise
Present Indicativemonetis
Imperfect Indicativemonebatis
Future Indicativemonebitis
Perfect Indicativemonuistis
Pluperfect Indicativemonueratis
Fututre Perfect Indicativemonueritis
Present Subjunctivemoneatis
Imperfect Subjunctivemoneretis
Perfect Subjunctivemonueritis
Pluperfect Subjunctivemonuissetis
Present Indicativemonemini
Imperfect Indicativemonebamini
Future Indicativemonebimini
Perfect Indicativemoniti estis
Pluperfect Indicativemoniti eratis
Fututre Perfect Indicativemoniti eritis
Present Subjunctivemoneamini
Imperfect Subjunctivemoneremini
Perfect Subjunctivemoniti sitis
Pluperfect Subjunctivemoniti essetis