The tools I am writing are works in progress, and they are for entertainment purposes only. Use them at your own risk. If you do find any errors, please let me know.
Present Indicative (Indicativus Praesentis) - The present indicative of the third conjugation (-io).
Imperfect Indicative (Indicativus Imperfecti) - The imperfect indicative of the third conjugation (-io).
Future Indicative (Indicativus Futuri) - The future indicative of the third conjugation (-io).
Perfect Indicative (Indicativus Perfecti) - The perfect indicative of the third conjugation (-io).
Pluperfect Indicative (Indicativus Plusquamperfecti) - The pluperfect indicative of the third conjugation (-io).
Future Perfect Indicative (Indicativus Futuri Exacti) - The future perfect indicative of the third conjugation (-io).
Present Subjunctive (Subiunctivus Praesentis) - The present subjunctive of the third conjugation (-io).
Imperfect Subjunctive (Subiunctivus Imperfecti) - The imperfect subjunctive of the third conjugation (-io).
Perfect Subjunctive (Subiunctivus Perfecti) - The perfect subjunctive of the third conjugation (-io).
Pluperfect Subjunctive (Subiunctivus Plusquamperfecti) - The pluperfect subjunctive of the third conjugation (-io).
Random Mood & Tense - A random third conjugation (-io) mood & tense.
First Person Singular - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for the first person singular.
Second Person Singular - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for the first person singular.
Third Person Singular - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for the first person singular.
First Person Plural - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for the first person singular.
Second Person Plural - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for the first person singular.
Third Person Plural - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for the first person singular.
Random Person - All moods of the third conjugation (-io) for a random person.