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Plants | |
English | Latin |
garland of flowers, wreath | sertum |
leaf | folium |
rose | rosa |
branch | ramus |
tree | arbor |
garden | hortus |
sacred grove | lucus |
flower | flos, flor- |
lily | lilium |
crop, hedge | seges, segit- |
harvest, crop | messis |
forest | silva |
grass, plant, herb | herba |
forehead | frons, front- |
laurel | laurus |
foliage | frons, frond- |
grass | gramen, gramin- |
wood, grove | nemus, nemor- |
palm (tree and hand) | palma |
to flower | floreo, florui |
oak, strength | robur, robor- |
month | mensis |
seed | semen, semin- |
table | mensa |
grief | luctus |