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Verbs Which Express or Affect the State of the Subject | |
English | Latin |
shine, lightning | fulgeo, fulsi |
alive, lively | vivus |
be bright, be daylight, be clear or evident | luceo, luxi |
light | lux, luc- |
power | potentia |
be without, be in need, be poor | egeo, egui |
be red, blush | rubeo, rubui |
empty, free from, unoccupied | vacuus |
burn up | uro, ussi, ustus |
imitate, copy | imitor, imitatus (dep) |
be without, lack, miss, want | careo, carui, cariturus |
live, be alive | vivo, vixi, victus |
bright, clear, lucid | lucidus |
heat, ardor | ardor |
be over and above, survive, remain | supersum, superesse, superfui |
preferable, rather | potior, potius |
shine, sparkle, vibrate | mico, micui |
shine, be brilliant, be sleek | niteo, nitui |
be empty, be free of, be at leisure | vaco, -avi, -atus |
chiefly, above all | potissimum |
power | potestas, potestat- |
cause to increase, strengthen | augeo, auxi, auctus |
breathe, blow, inspire | spiro, -avi, -atus |
abound, overflow | abundo, -avi, -atus |
likeness, portrait, statue | simulacrum |
about to be, the future | futurus |
steep, difficult | arduus |
powerful | potens, potent- |
spare, be moderate or frugal | parco, peperei or parsi, parsus |
merit, deserve | mereo, merui, meritus |
shining, handsome, polished | nitidus |
be green, vigorous, youthful | vireo |
burn, glow, desire, be in love | ardeo, arsi, arsus |
be useful or advantageous to, profit | prosum, prodesse, profui |
be away, be absent | absum, abesse, abfui (or afui), afuturus |
be able, can | possum, posse, potui |
make like, represent, feign, simulate | simulo, -avi, -atus |
be born, spring from, arise | nascor, natus (dep) |
thunderbolt | fulmen, fulmin- |
be pale | palleo, pallui |
able | potis |
green | viridis |
arise, come into existence | exsisto, (or existo), exstiti, exstitus |
banquet, feast | convivium |
be open, be clear, extend | pateo, patui |
increase, grow | cresco, crevi, cretus |
moon | luna |
be present | adsum, adesse, affui (or adfui) |
offspring, child | natus |
spirit, breath | spiritus |
be lacking | desum, deesse, defui |
sleep | dormio, dormivi, dormitus |
light | lumen, lumin- |
be | sum, esse, fui, futurus |