Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Nouns and Related Words: Body

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Latin English
cor, cord- heart
pedes, pedit- foot soldier
form, face, manner formosus
pectus, pectror chest
image, idea, ghost habitus
bracchium arm
caput, capit- head
appearance, idea, kind imago, imagin-
frons, front- forehead
milia passum miles
palma palm (hand and tree)
cervix, cervic- neck
beautiful figura
os, or- mouth
impedio impedivi, impeditus hinder
manus hand
expedio, expedivi, expeditus set free, set forth, explain
tergum back
coma hair
collum neck
gena cheek
vultus face, expression, look
passus pace
pes, ped- foot
capillus a hair
frons, frond- foliage
dexter, dextr- right hand
facies form, figure, face, manner
corpus, corpor- body
gremium lap, embrace
form, shape, figure species
condition or appearance of the body, dress vestis
laevus left
osculum kiss
limb, member forma
vestigium footstep, trace membrum
crinis hair, looks
digitus finger
oculus eye
sanguis blood
lingua tongue
dens, dent- toot
sinister, sinistr- left hand
os, oss- bone
corpus, corpor- body

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly