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Earth | |
Latin | English |
aer | air |
saltus | dale, ravine, glade |
humus | ground, soil |
aureus | golden |
aura | air, breeze |
rus, rur- | the country |
lapis | stone jewel |
aes, aer- | copper, brass, money |
terra | earth, land |
agricola | farmer |
tellus, tellur | earth, soil |
mons, mont- | mountain |
ferrum | iron |
auris | ear |
ager, agr- | field, land |
marmor | marble |
pratum | meadow |
aurum | gold |
collis | hill |
rusticus | rural, rustic |
rupes | cliff, rock |
antrum | cave |
arvum | ploughed or sown field |
campus | plain, field |
saxum | stone, rock |
valles | valley |