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People | |
Latin | English |
frater fratr- | brother |
turba | mob, throng, tumult |
genus, gener- | race, birth, kind |
gener | son-in-law |
hospes, hospit- | stranger, guest |
homo, homin- | man as opp. to animal |
proles | offspring |
barbarus | foreigner, barbarian |
mulier | woman |
famulus | servant, slave |
mater, matr- | mother |
familia | family |
pater, patr- | father |
puer | boy |
soror | sister |
populus | people |
adulescens, adulescent- | young man |
domina | mistress |
paro, paravi, paratus | prepare |
filia | daughter |
nepos, nepot- | nephew, descendant |
vir | man as opp. to woman |
minister, ministr- | servant |
virtus virtut- | courage |
patria | fatherland |
socius | ally, friend |
humanus | human |
principium | origin, beginning |
senex, sen- | old man |
dominus | master |
puella | girl |
virgo, virgin- | virgin, maiden |
senatus | senate |
plebs | common people, lowest class of free men in Rome |
heres, hered- | heir |
parens, parent- | parent |
comes, comit- | comrade, companion |
pareo, parui, paritus | obey, appear |
vulgus | the crowd, common herd |
pauper | poor man, pauper |
pario, peperi, partus | give birth |
vulgo, vulgavi, vulgatus | publish, announce, make public |
turbo, turbavi, turbatus | disturb, throw into confusion, rout |
filius | son |
vicinus | neighbor |
vis, vir- | violence, force |
femina | woman, female |
senectus, senectut- | old age |
princeps, princip- | chief |
gens gent- | clan, breed, class |
gigno, genui, genitus | give birth to |