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All Pronouns | |
Latin | English |
is | this or that |
alternus | alternate |
idem | same |
ipse | himself, herself, itself, themselves |
sibi | to him, her, it, them |
hanc | (obj) it, her, this |
quisque | everyone, everything, each |
me | me |
quisquis | whoever, whatever |
nos | we, us |
suus | his, her, its, their |
alter | the.other |
aliquis | someone, something |
vos | you(pl) |
alienus | strariger, foreigner |
mecum | with me |
quidam | a certain one or thing |
vobis | you, to you(pl) |
tu | you(s) |
uter, utr- | which, which of two, one of two |
secum | with him, her, it, them |
tuus | your(s) |
vester, vestr- | your(pl) |
noster | our |
haec | (sub subs objs) it, she, they, this, these |
ille | that, he, she, it |
quilibet | anyone or thing you please |
hunc | (obj) it, him, this |
tecum | with you(s) |
ceterus | the rest (plural) others |
quisnam | who then? what then? |
qui, quis | who, which |
ego | I |
alius | other, another |
uterque, utr--que | each of two, both |
quisquam | anybody, anything |
se or sese | him/her/itself, themselves |
hic | this, he, she, it |
mihi | to me |
quicumque | whoever, whatever |
huic | (adv) it, him, her, this |
cuius | (adj) whose, of whom, of which |
nobis | us, to us |
meus | my |
iste | your, this or that of yours |
hoc | (sub obj adv) it, him, this |
te | you(s) |
tibi | to you(s) |
huius | (adj) of it, him, her, this |
cui | (adv) to whom, to which |
aliter | otherwise |