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Verbs Which Affect the Location of the Object | |
Latin | English |
figo, fixi, fixus | fix, fasten, attach, transfix |
spargo, sparsi, sparsus | scatter |
compono | put together, compose, arrange |
adicio | throw at |
verso, -avi, -atiis | turn around, be engaged in |
educo | lead out, raise up |
circumdo, -dedi, -datus | surround, put around |
iungo, iunxi, iunctus | join, unite, connect |
haurio, hausi, haustus | empty, draw out |
exigo, exegi, exactus | demand, require, exact |
permitto | permit, give up, throw |
pendo, pependi, pensus | hang, weigh, consider, pay |
differo distuli | scatter |
portus | port |
suspendo | suspend, hang up |
ago, egi actus | do, drive, act |
commendo | entrust to, recommend |
impono | put upon or in |
accipio, -cepi, -ceptus | accept |
sterno, stravi, stratus | strew, lay low, cover |
possideo, -sedi, -sessus | possess |
concipio | conceive, catch, receive |
verto, verti, versus | turn, change, overthrow |
suscipio | undertake |
necto, nexui, nexus | tie, fasten, connect |
vertex, vertic- | top |
volvo, volvi, volutus | roll, revolve, ponder |
promitto | promise, send forward |
coniungo | join together |
praefero | carry before, show, prefer |
uxor | wife |
pertineo | pertain |
removeo | remove |
teneo, tenui, tentus | hold |
tollo, sustuli, sublatus | lift, remove |
libo, -avi, -atus | pour a libation, sacrifice, touch, take from |
bibo, bibi, bibitus | drink |
traho, traxi, tractus | drag, draw , take |
dono, -avi, -atus | present |
contineo | hold together, contain |
gero, gessi, gestus | carry, carry on |
do, da-, dedi, datus | give, offer, put |
pando, pandi, passus | spread out, expand, explain |
committo | begin, entrust to |
induo, indui, indutus | put on, assume |
mando, -avi, -atus | entrust to, command |
retineo | retain |
relinquo, reliqui, relictus | leave, abandon |
deicio | throw down |
deprehendo, -prehendi, -prehensus | catch, perceive |
cogo, coegi, coactus | force |
habeo, habui, habitus | have, hold |
incipio | begin |
iacto, -avi, -atus | throw about, boast, discuss |
adduco | lead towards |
expello, expuli, expulsus | drive out, expel |
addo, -didi, -ditus | add, give to, place |
traicio | throw across, bring across |
prodo, -didi, -ditus | bring forth, betray |
experior, expertus | try |
confero, collatus | bring together |
obicio | throw against, oppose, expose |
capio cepi, captus | get, take |
emo, emi, emptus | buy |
obtineo | obtain |
amitto | send away, lose |
maritus | husband |
tracto, -avi, -atus | drag, handle, manage |
iugum | yoke |
operio, operui, opertus | cover |
recipio | take back, recover, receive |
corripio, -ripui, -reptus | seize, lay hold of |
pello, pepuli, pulsus | drive, strike |
dux, duc- | leader |
pulso, -avi, -atus | strike, beat, knock |
fero, tuli, latus | bring, carry |
edo, edidi editus | give out, publish |
converto | convert, turn towards |
vendo, vendidi, venditus | sell |
pono, posui, positus | place, put |
eripio | snatch away, rescue |
impendeo | overhang |
effundo | pour out |
comperio, comperi, compertus | find out |
porto, -avi -atus | carry |
sumo, sumpso, sumptus | take, select, assume |
impello | drive upon, push forward |
reduco | lead back, reduce |
veho, vexi, vectus | carry, bear |
excipio | except, take out, take up |
agmen, agmin- | column of soldiers, band |
subicio | throw under, place under, subdue |
proicio | throw forward |
detraho | take down or away, lover, humiliate |
agito, -avi, -atus | drive about, vex, consider, observe |
profero | bring forth, advance |
duco, duxi, ductus | lead, raw |
subdo, -didi, -ditus | put under, subdue, substitute |
mitto, misi, missus | send, send forth or away, throw |
deduco | lead down, accompany |
tribuo, -bui, -butus | give as a share, attribute |
inicio | throw into or on |
iaceo, iacui, iaciturus | lie, recline |
iacio, ieci, iactus | throw |
transfero | transfer, convey, change translate |
offero, obtuli | offer, place before |
quatio, quassi, quassus | shake |
propono | put forward, propose |
urgeo, ursi | urge, drive on, press |
misceo, miscui, mixtus | mix, mingle |
claudo, clausi, clausus | close |
sustineo | sustain |
effero, extuli | bring out, utter |
coniunx, coniug- | mate, wife, husband |
pendeo, pependi | hang, depend on |
rapio, rapui, raptus | seize, snatch, grab |
ictus | blow, stroke, accent (of verse) |
mergo, mersi, mersus | dip, immerse, sink |
adhibeo, adhibui, adhibitus | apply |
praebeo, -bui, -bitus | offer, furnish, give |
remitto | send back, concede, grant |
percipio | perceive |
edo, edi, esus | eat |
reliquus | remaining |
trado, -didi, -ditus | give up, hand over, communicate |
prohibeo | prohibit |
dimitto | send away, stop |
reverto | turn back, return |
porta | gate |
admitto | send to, let go, admit |
linquo | leave, depart |
fundo, fudi, fusus | pour, scatter |
infero | bring on, attack |
perago | finish, relate, go through |
aufero, abstuli, ablatus | carry away |
defero | carry down, report |
decipio | deceive |
depono | put down, put aside |
reperio, repperi, repertus | find |
instruo, instruxi, instructus | arrange, furnish, instruct |
captivus | captive |
adversus | turned away, adverse, hostile |
averto | turn away, avert |
carpo, carpsi, carptus | pluck |
affero, attuli, allatus | bring to |
refero | bring back, report, it matters |
reddo, -didi, -ditus | give back, return |
appono | place near, put to |
desero. -serui, -sertus | desert, forsake |
perfero | carry through |
moveo, movi, motus | move |
aperio, aperui, apertus | open |
consumo | consume, spend |
diversus | turned apart, different, diverse |
donum | gift |