Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Verbs and Related Words: Destructive Activities

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Destructive Activities
Latin English
fero bear
lacero, -avi, -atus lacerate, wound
pecco, -avi, -atus sin, err, commit a crime
perdo, perdidi, perditus ruin, destroy, lose
noceo, nocui, nocitus harm, injure
occido, occidi, occisus kill, die
caedes slaughter
frango, fregi, fractus break
ferio strike
caedo, cecidi, caesus kill, cut
corrumpo corrupt, destroy
damno, -avi, -atus condemn, sentence
neglego, neglexi, neglectus neglect, disregard
pugno, -avi, -atus fight
laedo, laesi, laeous injure
damnum damage, injury

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly