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Destructive Activities | |
Latin | English |
fero | bear |
lacero, -avi, -atus | lacerate, wound |
pecco, -avi, -atus | sin, err, commit a crime |
perdo, perdidi, perditus | ruin, destroy, lose |
noceo, nocui, nocitus | harm, injure |
occido, occidi, occisus | kill, die |
caedes | slaughter |
frango, fregi, fractus | break |
ferio | strike |
caedo, cecidi, caesus | kill, cut |
corrumpo | corrupt, destroy |
damno, -avi, -atus | condemn, sentence |
neglego, neglexi, neglectus | neglect, disregard |
pugno, -avi, -atus | fight |
laedo, laesi, laeous | injure |
damnum | damage, injury |