Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Adjectives and Related Words: Unfavorable

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Latin English
turpis disfaceful, base
crudelis cruel
tristis sad
vilis vile, common, worthless
fere almost
aeger, aegr- sick
improbus bad, wicked
sollicitus worried, agitated
caecus blind
anxius anxious
asper rough, harsh
invitus unwilling
miseror, miseratus (dep) pity
stultus stupid
malus bad
severus severe, strict
ferus fierce, wild, savage
avidus greedy, eager, avid
fessus tired, exhausted
saevus raging, violent
foedus foul, filthy
miser poor, wretched
vastus ruined, laid waste
lassus weary, languid
durus hard, harsh, enduring
dirus dire, horrible
rudis rude, rough, uncultivated

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly