Latin Recommended Basic Vocabulary

Adverbss: Time

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Latin English
mox soon
saepe often
denique finally, at last
tunc then
protinus or protenus immediately
simul at the same time
quotiens or quoties how many times
quando when
statim immediately, on the spot
quondam once, sometime
nuper recently
numquam never
usque even, up to, continuously
bis twice
semel once
semper always
mane early, in the morning
repente suddenly
nunc now
diu for a long time
iterum again
umquam ever
tum then
olim once, formerly
iam now, already
interim meanwhile
aliquando sometimes, at some time
cras tomorrow
interdum meanwhile
subito suddenly
interea meanwhile
tandem finally, at last
rursus back, again

Latin Basic Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly