Declinatio Prima

The First Declension Noun Vocabulary

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Group I Words
English Latin
money pecunia, -ae, f
training disciplina, -ae, f
table mensa, -ae, f
form, shape forma, -ae, f
neighbor vicina, -ae, f
moon luna, -ae, f
thought sententia, -ae, f
rumor fama, -ae, f
abundance copia, -ae, f
land terra, -ae, f
evil plot insidiae, -arum, f
battle pugna, -ae, f
crowd/mob turba, -ae, f
anger ira, -ae, f
beard barba, -ae, f
wing ala, -ae, m
youth adulescentia, -ae, f
sailor nauta, -ae, m
rose rosa, -ae, f
booty, spoils praeda, -ae, f
window fenestra, -ae, f
spear hasta, -ae, f
water aqua, -ae, f
cure/care cura, -ae, f
satire satura, -ae, f
language lingua, -ae, f
helmet galea, -ae, f
poet poeta, -ae, m
dinner cena, -ae, f

Latin Noun Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly