Declinatio Prima

The First Declension Noun Vocabulary

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Group III Words
English Latin
arrow sagitta, -ae, f
victory victoria, -ae, f
friendship amicitia, -ae, f
riches divitiae, -arum, f
family familia, -ae, f
gate porta, -ae, f
chamber pot matella, -ae, f
troops, forces copiae, -arum, f
sorrow tristitia, -ae, f
favor/pardon venia, -ae, f
hour hora, -ae, f
clemency clementia, -ae, f
luck fortuna, -ae, f
delay mora, -ae, f
suffering patientia, -ae, f
school schola, -ae, f
queen regina, -ae, f
star stella, -ae, f
cottage casa, -ae, f
province provincia, -ae, f
chicken gallina, -ae, f
goddess dea, -ae, f
farmer agricola, -ae, m
wild beast fera, -ae, f
island insula, -ae, f
letter (of alphabet) littera, -ae, f
pirate pirata, -ae, m
eagle aquila, -ae, f
island insula, -ae, f

Latin Noun Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly