Declinatio Tertia

The Third Declension Noun Vocabulary

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Group I Words
English Latin
wound vulnus, vulneris, n
young man/woman adulescens, adulescentis, m/f
freedom libertas, libertatis, f
head caput, capitis, n
mountain mons, montis, m
line of march, column agmen, agminis, n
force, power vis, vis, f
peace pax, pacis, f
night nox, noctis, f
will/wish voluntas, voluntatis, f
honesty probitas, probitatis, f
difficulty difficultas, difficultatis, f
crime, sin scelus, sceleris, n
servitude, slavery servitus, servitutis, f
tree arbor, arboris, f
city urbs, urbis, f
work opus, operis, n
speed celeritas, celeritatis, f
priest sacerdos, sacerdotis, m
row, rank ordo, ordonis, m
ship navis, navis, f
desire cupiditas, cupiditatis, f
author auctor, auctoris, m
sister soror, sororis, f
king rex, regis, m
work labor, laboris, m
part, direction pars, partis, f
common people plebs, plebis, f
fire ignis, ignis, m
origin, class genus, generis, n
city walls moenia, moenium, n
scout, spy explorator, exploratoris, m
victor victor, victoris, m
terror, fear terror, terroris, m
river flumen, fluminis, n
march, road, way iter, itineris, n
sea mare, maris, n
occaision, opportunity occasio, occasionis, f
hill collis, collis, m
praise laus, laudis, f
month mensis, mensis, m
length longitudo, longitudinis, f
man homo, hominis, m
shout, clamour clamor, clamoris, m
bird avis, avis, f
woman mulier, mulieris, f

Latin Noun Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly