Declinatio Quarta

The Fourth Declension Noun Vocabulary

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Group II Words
English Latin
lake lacus, -us, m
hand manus, -us, f
approach, access, entrance aditus, -us, m
passing over, transition transitus, -us, m
knee genu, -us, n
line (of poetry) versus, -us, m
a pace (five feet) passus, -us, m
fold, curve sinus, -us, m
cavalry equitatus, -us, m
Ides Idus, -uums, f
horn cornu, -us, n
senate senatus, -us, m
bow arcus, -us, m
running, race, course cursus, -us, m
heat aestus, -us, m
provisions commeatus, -us, m
wave, billow fluctus, -us, m

Latin Noun Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly