Declinatio Prima

The First Declension Noun Vocabulary

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Latin English
fama, -ae, f rumor
puella, -ae, f girl
filia, -ae, f daughter
potentia, -ae, f power
inopia, -ae, f want, lack
femina, -ae, f woman
superbia, -ae, f pride
copiae, -arum, f troops, forces
disciplina, -ae, f training
barba, -ae, f beard
sententia, -ae, f thought
invidia, -ae, f dislike
diligentia, -ae, f diligence
pirata, -ae, m pirate
via, -ae, f road
lorica, -ae, f coat of mail
satura, -ae, f satire
patientia, -ae, f suffering
forma, -ae, f form, shape
insula, -ae, f island
terra, -ae, f land
gloria, -ae, f fame/glory
venia, -ae, f favor/pardon
fossa, -ae, f ditch
adulescentia, -ae, f youth
mensa, -ae, f table
hora, -ae, f hour
vita, -ae, f life
ala, -ae, m wing
victoria, -ae, f victory
patria, -ae, f fatherland
sagitta, -ae, f arrow
agricultura, -ae, m agriculture
corona, -ae, f crown
memoria, -ae, f memory
amicitia, -ae, f friendship
ancilla, -ae, f maidservant
mora, -ae, f delay
regina, -ae, f queen
provincia, -ae, f province
copia, -ae, f abundance
cena, -ae, f dinner
divitiae, -arum, f riches
poena, -ae, f penalty
causa, -ae, f cause
praeda, -ae, f booty, spoils
sapientia, -ae, f wisdom
tristitia, -ae, f sorrow
stella, -ae, f star
scientia, -ae, f knowledge
lacrima, -ae, f tear
lingua, -ae, f language
fabula, -ae, f story
rosa, -ae, f rose
insidiae, -arum, f evil plot
aqua, -ae, f water
casa, -ae, f cottage
turba, -ae, f crowd/mob
fortuna, -ae, f luck
ripa, -ae, f bank (of stream)
tuba, -ae, f trumpet
nata, -ae, f daughter
pugna, -ae, f battle
aquila, -ae, f eagle
cura, -ae, f cure/care
fenestra, -ae, f window
schola, -ae, f school
avaritia, -ae, f avarice
littera, -ae, f letter (of alphabet)
constantia, -ae, f firmness
poeta, -ae, m poet
dea, -ae, f goddess
fera, -ae, f wild beast
hasta, -ae, f spear
ira, -ae, f anger
pecunia, -ae, f money
porta, -ae, f gate
nauta, -ae, m sailor
clementia, -ae, f clemency
agricola, -ae, m farmer
vicina, -ae, f neighbor
matella, -ae, f chamber pot
galea, -ae, f helmet
gallina, -ae, f chicken
insula, -ae, f island
familia, -ae, f family
luna, -ae, f moon

Latin Noun Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly