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Group II Words | |
Latin | English |
superbia, -ae, f | pride |
agricultura, -ae, m | agriculture |
gloria, -ae, f | fame/glory |
lacrima, -ae, f | tear |
inopia, -ae, f | want, lack |
puella, -ae, f | girl |
filia, -ae, f | daughter |
invidia, -ae, f | dislike |
causa, -ae, f | cause |
vita, -ae, f | life |
avaritia, -ae, f | avarice |
scientia, -ae, f | knowledge |
lorica, -ae, f | coat of mail |
sapientia, -ae, f | wisdom |
via, -ae, f | road |
ancilla, -ae, f | maidservant |
memoria, -ae, f | memory |
potentia, -ae, f | power |
constantia, -ae, f | firmness |
fabula, -ae, f | story |
diligentia, -ae, f | diligence |
ripa, -ae, f | bank (of stream) |
corona, -ae, f | crown |
patria, -ae, f | fatherland |
femina, -ae, f | woman |
poena, -ae, f | penalty |
nata, -ae, f | daughter |
tuba, -ae, f | trumpet |
fossa, -ae, f | ditch |