Adjectives of the First and Second Declension

Adjectives of the First and Second Declension Vocabulary

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Group I Words
English Latin
week, feeble infirmus, -a, -um
wonderful mirus, -a, -um
greedy avarus, -a, -um
above, upper superus, -a, -um
happy latus, -a, -um
modest, chaste pudicus, -a, -um
bordering upon, neighboring finitimus, -a, -um
dear carus, -a, -um
long longus, -a, -um
learned doctus, -a, -um
first primus, -a, -um
few pauci, -ae, -a
worst pessimus, -a, -um
one, single, alone unus, -a, -um
high altus, -a, -um
armed armatus, -a, -um
pleasing gratus, -a, -um
so large, so great tantus, -a, -um
strong, sturdy validus, -a, -um
angry iratus, -a, -um
our noster, nostra, nostrum
large magnus, -a, -um
pretty bellus, -a, -um
fierce, savage saevus, -a, -um
middle medius, -a, -um
your tuus, -a, -um
second, favorable secundus, -a, -um
level, equal aequus, -a, -um
opportune opportunus, -a, -um
foolish stultus, -a, -um
moved, excited commotus, -a, -um
dense densus, -a, -um
dead mortuus, -a, -um
harsh acerbus, -a, -um

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Ed Donnelly