Adjectives of the First and Second Declension

Adjectives of the First and Second Declension Vocabulary

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Group II Words
English Latin
worthy dignus, -a, -um
public publicus, -a, -um
uncertain incertus, -a, -um
your (pl) vester, vestra, vestrum
harsh, difficult durus, -a, -um
happy laetus, -a, -um
small parvus, -a, -um
neither neuter, neutra, neutrum
free liber, libera, liberum
twin geminus, -a, -um
either (of two) uter, utra, utrum
the only, alone solus, -a, -um
farthest, final ultimus, -a, -um
perpetual perpetuus, -a, -um
most plurimus, -a, -um
smallest minimus, -a, -um
blind caecus, -a, -um
(his/her/its) own suus, -a, -um
remaining reliquus, -a, -um
proud, arrogant superbus, -a, -um
sick aeger, aegra, aegrum
careful attentus, -a, -um
hateful, detested invisus, -a, -um
troublesome molestus, -a, -um
sound, healthy sanus, -a, -um
greatest maximus, -a, -um
weary defessus, -a, -um
entire totus, -a, -um
anchient antiquus, -a, -um
the other alter, altera, alterum
not any, none nullus, -a, -um
great-hearted, brave magnanimus, -a, -um
happy, blessed beatus, -a, -um
clear clarus, -a, -um

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Ed Donnelly