Adjectives of the Third Declension

Adjectives of the Third Declension Vocabulary

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Group III Words
Latin English
senex, -, (senis) old
incolumis, -, incolume unharmed
fidelis, -, fidele faithful, loyal
plus, -, - more
celer, celeris, celere sift
levis, -, leve light
gravis, -, grave heavy, serious
diligens, -, (diligentis) diligent, careful
alacer, alacris, alacre eager, excited
prior, -, (prius) former
omnis, -, omne every
facils, -, facile easy
velox, -, (velocis) swift
minor, -, (minus) smaller
tristis, -, triste sad

Latin Other Vocabulary

Latin Tools

Ed Donnelly