Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal Numbers Vocabulary

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Latin English
quinque, (indeclinable) five
duodecim, (indeclinable) twelve
centum, (indeclinable) one hundred
novem, (indeclinable) nine
sex, (indeclinable) six
quattor, (indeclinable) four
octo, (indeclinable) eight
septem, (indeclinable) seven
duo, duae, duo two
undecim, (indeclinable) eleven
decem, (indeclinable)m ten
tredecim, (indeclinable) thirteen
milia, milium thousands
tres, tria three
viginti, (indeclinable) twenty
unus, -a, -um one
quindecim, (indeclinable) fifteen
mille, (indeclinable) one thousand
quattordecim, (indeclinable) fourteen
ducenti, -ae, -a two hundred

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Ed Donnelly