Bennett's New Latin Grammar is a book, now in the public domain, written by the famous Charles E. Bennett. I have made this version available online. Of course there may be errors, so use at your own risk.
CHAPTER I. - Declension.
Adjectives of the First and Second Declensions
Adjectives of the Third Declension
CHAPTER II. - Conjugation.
CHAPTER I. - Sentences.
CHAPTER II. - Syntax of Nouns.
CHAPTER III. - Syntax of Adjectives.
CHAPTER IV. - Syntax of Pronouns.
CHAPTER V. - Syntax of Verbs.
- - Imperative
- In Dependent Clauses
- - Causal Clauses
- - Temporal Clauses
- - - Introduced by Postquam, Ut, Ubi, etc.
- - - Cum-Clauses
- - - Introduced by Antequam and Priusquam
- - - Introduced by Dum, Dōnec, Quoad
- - - Developed from the Volitive
- - - Developed from the Optative
- - - Of Result
- - - After nōn dubito, etc.
- - - Introduced by Quod
- - - Indirect Questions
- - Conditional Clauses of Comparison
- - Adversative Clauses with Quamvīs, Quamquam, etc.
- - Clauses of Wish and Proviso
- - Relative Clauses
- - - Moods in Indirect Discourse
- - - Tenses in Indirect Discourse
- - - Conditional Sentences in Indirect Discourse
- - Implied Indirect Discourse
Noun and Adjective Forms of the Verb
- Gerund
- Supine
CHAPTER VI. - Particles.
CHAPTER VII. - Word-Order and Sentence-Structure.
CHAPTER VIII. - Hints on Latin Style.